Welcome New Members
Get started by reading New Members and FAQs pages. Its important that you understand and maintain the objectives of the website expressed by The Mission. Membership assumes your understanding and agreement to the TOU - Terms of Use and any Disclaimers. posted by The Network or any contributors

This website is in the beta phase of development. This collaboration is a work in progress. Initial members are needed to tweek navigation and contribute content before finalizing design. Your blogs, your discussions, your videos, etc. are the content that will grow this website and community. In this beta phase your suggestions are a necessary part of our growth. The process for efficiently collecting and organizing contributions has to be developed. The participation and suggestions of pioneering members will influence the direction of this network. Your membership and participation is greatly appreciated.


Terms of Use for This Network

Any membership or participation in Ardent Cerebrations: Musings of Lupus Survivors requires agreement to the Terms of Use from the time of registration on this network. Failure to abide by these TOU may result in Termination of the member's account and deleting profile as well as all threads and discussions from the network. Ardent Cerebrations: Musings of Lupus Survivors reserves the right to determine what is deemed a failure to abide by the TOU.

As a member you understand and agree to the following:

  • Membership is restricted and intended for fellow lupus and fibromyalgia patients and their advocates. If aLupusSurvivor.ning.com staff determines that a profile does not fulfill the intentions on this community, aLupusSurvivor.ning.com has the right to delete it and ban the user.
  • Ardent Cerebrations: Musings of Lupus Survivors has very specific objectives expessed by The Mission established by the founder's website. Membership requires understanding and agreement with these objectives. Membership requires participation that achieves The Mission. Any and all participation should achieve some objective of The Mission. Any participation that varies from The Mission is prohibited. Groups with different agendas should only make contributions that conform to this networks agenda. Salon discussions should maintain topics fulfilling objectives of The Mission.
  • New members should read and familiarize themselves with FAQs before participation.
  • Existing members should stay current on updated TOU, FAQs, network Memos, or The Mission objectives.
  • Profiles and groups are not to be set up for commercial use. Obnoxcious solicition or spam is prohibited. No advertising or soliciting (describing, offering, recommending or selling) of your products or services to our members is allowed.
  • The use of hyperlinks, or a series of web addresses that promote commercial entities, including but not limited to dating or classified advertisements, and pornographic websites is prohibited.
  • If you would like to discuss personal topics that do not fulfill the objectives of The Network expessed by The Mission you may communicate it in personal messages not public comments.
  • Any participation that could potentially offensive is prohibited. Any content or media containing nudity(partial or whole), vulgar titles, anything obscene or that can be taken as disrespectful, immoral or illegal is prohibited.
  • WE ALLOW RECRUITING MEMBERS TO OTHER FORUMS AND GROUPS if and only if they are approved as members of this network, therefore fulfilling the objectives expessed in The Mission of Ardent Cerebrations: Musings of Lupus Survivors.
  • Approved groups may send invites or messages about the group with discretion. Do not spam members with unsolicited invites. Invitations allowed on approved Group pages. Groups are encouraged to participate by posting on Events calendar or Memos as well as collaborating on Info Hub with approved submissions.
  • Members should act responsible and professional, always with kindness, compassion, respect, tolerance for others dispite any different views. No flaming or criticizing others.
  • Spirituality is a topic that is allowed and welcomed as it pertains to coping with disease. Religious proselytizing or debates are absolutely prohibited.
  • Political arguments or campaigns are also prohibited, however, important legislation and government may be discussed intelligently as it pertains to our specific health issues.
  • All disagreements or disputes must be handled between the involved parties in private and not discussed with other members or persons outside of this network.
  • Do not post or add any images, music, videos, article content, etc. that you do not own the copyright to or that is not deemed okay by the owner to be used on the internet.
  • Please be aware of protecting your privacy. Never give out personal information. Provide personal information at your own discretion.
  • No information, comments, advice, discussions or actions, etc. on this network shall be construed as professional or medical advice. All Participants and Members must consult with their own professional for advice before trying any medications, supplements, therapy, etc. or stopping any current protocols.
  • Ardent Cerebrations: Musings of Lupus Survivors at aLupusSurvivors.ning.com reserves the right to determine what is in the TOU; Ammend the Terms of Use at any time; Determine or ammend The Mission; Make ultimate decisions for The Network; Make decisions on a case by case basis; Determine what is and what is not deemed to be a failure to abide by the TOU; Remove and/or ban members, groups and/or posts for any reason deemed necessary.
  • Members are may to address concerns about the Terms or any disagreements, or misconduct on the network directly to The Network administration via private messages, but discussions and debates about problematic issues over this network are prohibited.
Release Agreement: All Participants and Members must use their own discretion when using the network and understand the risks involved in using a public internet presence. All information shared with other members is at your own risk. All Participants and Members take full responsibility for their own actions. This network does not and cannot review all Content posted or uploaded to the Site, and we are not responsible for such Content. By using this network, all participants and members agree not to hold Ardent Cerebrations: Musings of Lupus Survivors at LupusSurvivors.ning.com, its Administrators, Volunteers, Moderators or any other persons affiliated responsible for the actions of others inside or outside of this network This includes, but is not limited to posts, comments, suggestions, advice, private messages, emails, etc.