Welcome New Members
Get started by reading New Members and FAQs pages. Its important that you understand and maintain the objectives of the website expressed by The Mission. Membership assumes your understanding and agreement to the TOU - Terms of Use and any Disclaimers. posted by The Network or any contributors

This website is in the beta phase of development. This collaboration is a work in progress. Initial members are needed to tweek navigation and contribute content before finalizing design. Your blogs, your discussions, your videos, etc. are the content that will grow this website and community. In this beta phase your suggestions are a necessary part of our growth. The process for efficiently collecting and organizing contributions has to be developed. The participation and suggestions of pioneering members will influence the direction of this network. Your membership and participation is greatly appreciated.

The Mission

I established The Mission based on my new philosophy of thinking wholistic: Surviving The Disease requires healing The Mind, The Body and The Spirit. Now I'm using my web development degree to establish a new social networking site to collaborate with fellow bloggers as a venue for healing. Ardent Cerebrations: The Musings of Lupus Survivors! Struggles to survive may wrap us in a cocoon of illness. Begin the metamorphosis into a new butterfly. With our passionate thoughts We can fly! ~~Angie Phillips Founder
  • Make "non-chronically ill" aware of the comprhensive effect of chronic illness on every aspect of a "survivors" being...mind, body, & spirit.
  • Provide basic information and resources about disease in an easily understood, quickly accessed format.
  • Information and tips for managing symptoms.
  • Expressions of spirtuallity and intellect, that portion of us thats affected by disease but not determined by the disease. We are so much more than "patients."
  • Summary of resources, sites of interest, links to other personal blogs, websites, and forums relavant.
  • Place for other to share through comments, subscription, etc.