Welcome New Members
Get started by reading New Members and FAQs pages. Its important that you understand and maintain the objectives of the website expressed by The Mission. Membership assumes your understanding and agreement to the TOU - Terms of Use and any Disclaimers. posted by The Network or any contributors

This website is in the beta phase of development. This collaboration is a work in progress. Initial members are needed to tweek navigation and contribute content before finalizing design. Your blogs, your discussions, your videos, etc. are the content that will grow this website and community. In this beta phase your suggestions are a necessary part of our growth. The process for efficiently collecting and organizing contributions has to be developed. The participation and suggestions of pioneering members will influence the direction of this network. Your membership and participation is greatly appreciated.


What are the objectives for the Ardent Cerebrations: Musing of Lupus Survivors Network?

What are The Network's 4 primary themes for members to focus their content?
Visit these Groups pages for details:
  • The Disease focuses on medical facts and scientific information specific to lupus, fibromyalgia, and APS.
  • The Body focuses on non-pharmaceutical management of the symptoms of lupus, fibromyalgia and APS.
  • The Mind focuses on the survivors intellect, our identy outside the physical. May showcase our talents or interests: art, poetry, recipes, etc.
  • The Spirit focuses on the inspirational and spiritual tools that help cope with illness; as well as how illness may be effecting our faith or spiritual outlook.
Who can become members?
  • The network extends an open invitation to anyone who is committed to the same objectives, The Mission of Ardent Cerebrations: Musing of a Lupus Survivor.
  • The network is specifically designed for the benefit and the promotion of fellow bloggers, social networking groups, advocacy or support websites involved in the lupus cause.
What are the unique benefits of membership to this network?
  • centralized Info Hub
  • targeted member profiling
  • open information exchange
  • ACMLS twitter @lupussurvivors for network posts
  • portable applications, widgets
What does the centralized Info Hub provide?
  • singular place to connect bloggers social networking groups as well this advocacy websites for open information exchange and collaboration.
  • centralized location for listing resources such as news and scientific articles.
  • centralized memorandum allows groups to promote their Events and post Memos. Cross reference dates aid their event planning,
What's the advantage of open information exchange?
  • Bloggers, social networking groups, advocacy organizations can openly exchange information to post on each other's websites.
  • This network is not in competition with others. It is designed to promote all websites groups and individual bloggers that share our common objective, The Mission.
  • This network allows groups from other social networking websites to establish a Group on this network as an outpost to their home location. As long as it fulfills the guidelines of this network.
  • Members and Groups of this network are then encouraged to contribute to the pages of our centralized Info Hub. Information resources, articles, and media will be posted and easily assessable under Info Hub and Media tabs for all members.
  • Open exchange means that all information on this network is available to be posted on other websites and blogs. Network contributions promoted and distributed through ACMLS tweets @lupussurvivors
  • Anyone can exchange their thoughts and ideas through Group discussions and The Salon. We encourage everyone to freely express themselves, as long as their expressions do not include slanderous statements, offensive remarks or falsehoods. Please use citations for quoting other sources. Use common sense and good judgment!
Are there any restrictions to open information exchange?
  • All content posted on this network is subject to the approval of the administrators. Disapproved content may be deleted without notification.
  • Membership to this network is subject to the administrators approval. The administrator may approve or deny or cancel membership according to their discretion.
  • Members and Groups should keep in mind the stated objective of this network and The Mission of the Ardent Cerebrations Musings of a Lupus Survivor website. Please do not post irrelevant content. Although it may be interesting, irrelevant content may be deleted.
  • Use the confidential messaging system for communicating with other members about any subject of your choice.
  • TOS, terms and conditions are subject to change.
What does targeted member profiling do?
  • This network collects specific information from member profiles of lupus patients, caregivers and advocates that may be useful to The Mission and network objectives.
  • Information viewed on My Pages can connect members with common profiles. Members may post comments to each other for managing common symptoms. Start discussions on the secondary condition occurring among members. Start a new Group with members sharing spiritual outlook. Answers to family employment and disability status prioritize the posting of most needed resources.
  • The common threads of member profiles will determine the goals and priorities of the network.
  • Member profiles are designed to categorize members for target selection of invitations. Send Messages to members interested in your next discussion topic. Invite the appropriate members to your group or another social network. Notify members about articles in your newsletters that you know they will be interested in according to their profile answers.
What is a portable applications?
  • Portable applications are elements used on webpages that may be easily transferred to another website.
  • This network provides and develops portable applications such as widgets featuring information relevant to our cause.
  • Widgets may be easily placed on other websites, and some other compatible social networks such as MySpace by copying and pasting the code.
  • Widgets provides another opportunity to collect and distribute information as well as spread awareness.
How do I use tags?
  • Members must make tag their submissions with a minimum of 2 tags. In addition to at least one key word from your topic, you must tag with appropriate theme, 'disease', 'body', 'mind', or 'spirit'.
  • The more specific key words used for tags the greater searchabilty for The Network. Ultimately, objective of this community is to be a hub of information
  • We want every submission to be easily found through The Network search engine located on top of every page.
  • Tagging also enables The Network to locate and feature submissions. Tagging will also determine long term organization of content.
  • As the network grows, new pages and groups will be added and dedicated to specific topics. So please follow instructions for using tags.
  • Edit buttons allow you to add tags to previous submissions
  • These tags are examples of appropriate key words that could be applicable to your content:

  • Lupus, SLE, APS, fibromyalgia, symptoms, diet, excersise, medicine, test, article, blog, news, definition, video, photos ---
  • For more searchable content use multiple tags ranging from broad to specific key words.
  • For example you may start a discussion about a news report on recently published scientific article with results from a study about effects of fish oils in diet on lupus patient's joint pain that you discovered on You Tube. Your tag list:

  • disease, lupus, SLE, symptoms, joints, pain, diet, fish oils, article, news, video
What is the purpose of Memorandum?
  • Memorandum tab has pages dedicated to The Network's time management, planning and organizing tools, Memo and Events page.
  • Look for important emails and updates concerning network issues from the Founder, blogmaster and administration posted on Memos page.
  • Events page provides Calendar tool for The Nework members to post deadlines, special occasions, awareness events, etc.
  • Remember to use appropriate tags so that Memos and Events may be found through The Network search engine. See tagging FAQs.